How the World’s Leading Companies SaaSified Their Products with Marketizer

Businesses across the globe are looking to leverage the power of SaaS to create exciting new products and additional streams of revenue. To accomplish these goals, Marketizer helps get to market faster, simpler, and at a lower cost than ever before.

How Marketizer is Leading the Democratization of SaaS

Until recently, it has been complex, time-consuming, and expensive for businesses to develop and go to market with new SaaS products. Marketizer streamlines the processes involved in going to market, packages them into one full turnkey SaaS solution, and allows businesses to easily develop, publish, scale, and distribute software products in a much more cost-effective way.

Marketizer provides:

  • SaaS publishing to multiple cloud marketplaces in just 72 hours
  • Everything businesses like yours need to publish SaaS products, at half the price of competitors
  • Freed up time—no longer spending time on all the nuances of SaaS application publishing means more time to build better software products and customer experiences
  • Metering for SaaS products, allowing for specialty feature sets and increased options for revenue generation
  • Self-provisioning for your customers, which eliminates sales friction by allowing customers to sign up themselves right on the cloud marketplace

How the World’s Leading Companies Leverage the Power of SaaS with Marketizer

As you can imagine, there are a variety of Marketizer use cases within the B2B enterprise software industry. Here are three applications where Marketizer has generated significant new business opportunities.

BlueStripe: An On-Premises Software Application, SaaSified

BlueStripe, a data center management software company, had recently made a deal assuring their prospective acquirers that BlueStripe could be offered as SaaS, in addition to its typical licensing/on-premises software. Toward the end of the long due diligence process, BlueStripe’s prospective buyers requested to see a live demonstration of the SaaS version of their product. Unfortunately, they did not have one, as they had assumed, like many, that putting their software on the cloud would make it SaaS. Running on the cloud is different from being SaaS!

With Marketizer, BlueStripe was able to get “SaaSified” within 72 hours through the rapid SaaS-enablement of their application that helped their deal follow through.

MapR Technologies: A “Born in the Cloud” SaaS Solution Extended

MapR Technologies is an example of a company that had already invested a lot into developing their own SaaS offering but approached Corent to finish the job, and augment and enhance their existing SaaS offering with additional plug-and-play capabilities like our patented usage metering and micro-billing.

By leveraging the application transaction level metering, MapR has been able to offer more innovative options to their customers, such as the subscription-based, flexible, and dynamic pricing models they need.

Mifos X: An Open-Source Fintech SaaS Solution Extended

The case study of Mifos X is interesting, as it demonstrates the power of SaaS to not only transform businesses but be used for social good, too. The Mifos Initiative has a mission to “speed the elimination of extreme poverty by coordinating a global community that builds, supports, and uses Mifos X, a free and open-source platform that enables core financial services to the world’s two billion poor and unbanked.”

When developing their core software to achieve their mission, Mifos struggled with deploying their software effectively and efficiently to the people they aimed to help. In 2019, Corent partnered with Mifos and implemented Marketizer to bring their solution to market as a complete SaaS application in just a few days without any code changes to the application.

Learn How Your Business Can SaaSify Your Products in Just 72 Hours—Try Marketizer Free for 60 Days Now

Leverage the power of SaaS in your business with Corent’s Marketizer™, the full turnkey marketplace SaaS solution. See for yourself—start publishing your software across multiple marketplaces in just 72 hours with our free 60-day trial.

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