Category: Journey Series

Journey Series Category

MaaS Containerize: Lightweight solutions for heavyweight Cloud workloads

Containers represent a paradigm of modularity, offering lean, agile, and scalable alternatives to relatively resource-intensive Virtual Machines (VMs). Businesses planning digital transformation are often torn between choosing either VMs or containers and enjoying the benefits of both by creating an eclectic mix. Corent provides a way out of this analysis-paralysis…

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Moving Federal and Public Sector datacenters to the Cloud with SurPaaS – Partnership with General Dynamics IT

When compared to standard enterprise datacenter migration, working with federal and public sector organizations requires further considerations to be made. Working with such clients only increases the number of requirements you have to worry about, whether it is around compliance and security, or verification and clearance; it’s just how this…

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How to speed up your datacenter assessment 10x?

Assessing your company’s datacenters for migration, with any standard scanning tool, can be rather laborious and time-consuming, as there are many complexities to evaluating and scanning each unique datacenter; which the average scan tool often fails to catch. As such, this can severely hamper the Cloud migration of your company’s…

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