Tag: Corent Blog

How Marketizer™ Navigates the Complexities of Data Privacy and Security in Cloud Marketplaces

If so, it’s critical to recognize the importance of safeguarding your customers’ data and ensuring the security of your applications. A data breach or security incident not only threatens your trust and reputation but can also carry significant legal and financial consequences! It’s no longer enough to offer innovative solutions; you also need to prioritize security measures to protect your customers.

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Fostering the next generation of SaaS businesses

Around a decade ago, we experienced a shift in the Cloud and SaaS industry, as many revolutionary and groundbreaking technologies came out of the woodwork, becoming and staying integral parts of our lives to this very day. Nowadays, we utilize and interact with Software applications delivered as Cloud-based services throughout our daily lives, whether it be through the way we watch our favorite shows, rent movies at home, to how we communicate with our fellow professionals.

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